Sucking old men at bathhouse gay sex stories literotica

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He had planned on seeing a couple more parts of downtown but with this rain pouring down and without an umbrella he decided against that. Once he had finished his meal he started thinking about what to do next. He guessed that the heavy rain was the cause of the empty tables. The pub was a little over half full of patrons and the low buzz of conversation was punctuated by the clink of cutlery and the tapping of mugs hitting the tables. His appraisal of the pub was interrupted by the waitress returning with his drink and taking his order then disappearing to tend to another table. If the decor was any indication the owners of the pub probably had Scottish ancestors, which wasn't surprising in Wellington. It was a small pub, well furnished, with enough decoration to keep someone eating alone entertained through their stay.

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You can choose any table you like.'Īfter he had given his drink order and gotten comfortable he appraised the pub.

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It wasn't because he was lonely or wanted company but because as soon as he said it the waitress' demeanor changed.

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He disliked saying that as soon as it came out of his mouth. This story has gay themes of younger and older guys so if that isn't what you are looking for please choose a different story. All people in this story are of age and consenting.

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