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EJ Dickson 2) Because sometimes it’s better than the real thing If anything, the only thing it’ll probably do is make your arm a little buffer. Translation: Porn is probs not gonna send you on the street, muttering to yourself about alien satellites in your brain with needles in both your arms. You better watch out, it’s a slippery slope.’ It was sort of the same as people in the drug addiction community saying if you smoke pot, you better watch out or you’ll be doing heroin.” “They tend to say ‘This is dangerous, porn is fraught with danger. “People who say pornography is an addiction, they tend to come from the addiction community and not always the field of mental health or sexuality,” Weston told me a few months ago. Louanne Cole Weston believe it’s important to differentiate between an addiction and a compulsion, in the same vein as compulsive nail-biting. And as for the old chestnut that too much porn viewing can lead to addiction? The consensus is still pretty split on that one, but some sex researchers like Dr.

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